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Legal Links
Legal Tip Book
Attorney Directories
Where can I find a legal directory to guide me to an attorney specializing in a particular area?
I need to find an attorney that can help with international law. Is there a law firm directory that I can access to help me?
How does my name get listed in a lawyer directory?
I see so many lawyers listed in the phone book and on various websites. How do I know if I'm choosing the right lawyer from these legal directories?
Attorney Malpractice
Can I sue for attorney malpractice if my case doesn't turn out like I wanted?
Should I trust an attorney who claims to have attorney malpractice insurance?
What types of things could be included in a complaint, if filed, for attorney malpractice?
What constitutes attorney malpractice?
Use bankruptcy as a last resort.
You can't file for bankruptcy as often as you might think.
To File or Not to File: that is the question
Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney
Bankruptcy and Tax Elimination
Business Bankruptcy Options
Options for Personal Bankruptcy
Business Law
I want to start a small business; what is contained in “business law?
Does business law provide for any licensure or permits that I will need?
Will hiring a business litigation attorney guarantee that my business is set up properly?
What is breach of contract and how do I know if this has occurred?
It seems that everyone is opting to work from home. Can I operate a small business from home?
Child Custody
What is child custody and what are my rights as a parent?
What is the difference between the parent who wins custody and the non-custodial parent?
What factors are considered when determining child custody?
Can an extramarital affair have an impact on custody?
Are there forms to be filled out when applying for child custody?
I am the non-custodial parent, child custody having been granted to my ex-spouse during the divorce. How can I go about changing that arrangement so that our kids are with me?
Do grandparents have rights concerning child custody?
If my ex-spouse is not paying child support, do I have to allow visitation?
Class Action Lawsuit
Getting Into a Class Action Lawsuit
Criminal Law
In a criminal situation, ask to speak to your attorney first before you give a statement to the police.
Be careful what you keep in your car.
Be careful what you throw away.
What does criminal law encompass?
What is the difference between a civil offense and a criminal act?
Are there ever circumstances that the police can search my vehicle or me without a warrant under existing criminal law?
Can the police come into my house by knocking down my door to enter my residence?
How do I know when I might need a criminal defense attorney?
How real is the law portrayed on television shows?
Is being tried in a state court different from being under federal criminal law?
What are the steps taken under criminal law?
Is there more than one type of divorce?
My spouse and I are unable to get along any further and the stress has become unbearable. What are some grounds that I could file for divorce?
My husband's attorney is proposing that his retirement plan be divided other than straight down the middle. Why do some retirements have to be divided differently?
I was just served divorce papers by my husband, what should I do now?
Can't my wife and I just use a divorce kit to file with the court?
Do all divorces filed automatically become public record?
How do I find a good, reputable divorce lawyer?
Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer
The Benefits of a Good Divorce Lawyer
Employment Law
If you're fired and you feel it's without just cause, call upon your union.
When injured on the job make sure you report it to your employer.
When given the option of a 401k… take it!
What does employment law cover?
What does employment law say about “at will” employment versus “for cause” employment?
What is the definition of sexual harassment and how do employment laws affect that type of behavior?
Under employment law, what is the statute of limitations for filing a charge of discrimination in the workplace?
I want to make a career in law enforcement. Are there special law enforcement employment laws that cover police officers?
Is there some type of national organization of attorneys that handle employment law?
Family Law
What areas does family law encompass?
My fiancé and I are planning to get married. What are the real legal obligations a marriage encompasses according to family law?
Does international custody fall under family law?
How do I find a good family law attorney?
When adopting, think about hiring a lawyer.
When adopting internationally, definitely hire a lawyer.
When using a surrogate mother, consult with a lawyer.
When reviewing a prenuptial agreement, both parties should have their own independent counsel.
Finding the Right Family Lawyer
Financing a Lawyer
Lawsuit Financing Options
Options For Lawsuit Financing
Find a Lawyer
Choosing a Personal Injury Firm
How can I easily find an attorney to help me?
How would I go about finding a lawyer in my local area that handles a certain type of case, such as someone to help manage my aging parent's affairs?
How can I find a lawyer by name?
Government Agencies
What rights do voting citizens have and which government agency regulates voters' rights?
What federal government agency dictates enforcement of laws with regard to fair taxation?
Is there a government agency that oversees education issues with regard to local schools?
At what point should I contact a US government agency about receiving my full benefits as a veteran?
If I am denied social security benefits, is there a listing of federal agencies that I can access for help?
What is a governmental grant agency and how can I use its services?
Immigration Laws
What is immigration law?
What entity gives immigrants permission to enter the United States under existing immigration law?
What are some ways to come to the United States under immigration law?
What do immigration laws say about bringing my family or relatives to the United States on a permanent basis?
I am not familiar with immigration laws. How can I become a United States citizen?
How do immigration laws affect getting a “green card”?
There is a lottery for illegal immigrants trying to gain United States Citizenship.
When planning on vacationing in another country for an extended amount of time, find out if you need a tourist visa.
If you have an H-1B Visa, find out if your employer is willing to sponsor you.
Hire an attorney when applying for citizenship.
Law Schools
My daughter, a junior, has an interest in attending law school. What kind of timetable should she follow?
I would like to go to a top law school. What are the most important things I should consider during my academic career?
In selecting prelaw classes, what factors should I take into consideration when choosing a major in order to attend one of the top 10 law schools?
How can I find out whether the law school I'm considering is among the top 100 law schools in the country?
Legal Information
What is the Legal Information Institute?
It seems like there are a lot of sources for law information on the Internet. How do I know which one to trust?
Where can I find court cases and do legal research on my own?
Legal Services
I'm not sure I can afford an attorney to represent my interests. Is there somewhere to turn for affordable legal services?
What is the benefit to purchasing prepaid legal services
Is there any risk involved in purchasing a legal service plan, such as a prepaid legal advice?
How is a determination made for someone that may qualify for free legal services?
Medical Malpractice
How do I know medical malpractice has been committed?
How long do I have before I must decide if medical malpractice was committed?
What kind of standard is required with regard to proving a medical malpractice has occurred?
Are medical malpractice claims limited only to physicians?
What about all the experimental drugs on the market? If something goes wrong, is that malpractice?
If I'm asked to sign a consent form before I go into surgery, am I waiving any rights to file a medical malpractice suit if something should go wrong?
How do I find a reputable medical malpractice attorney?
Consulting Medical Malpractice Lawyers to Establish a Case
Give Your Lawyer Time to Work the Case!
Personal Injury
Accident Injury Lawyers
What are my rights with regard to personal injury law?
What is negligence and how is that determined?
How are damages determined in a personal injury action?
Can I negotiate a personal injury settlement on my own?
What is a waiver of liability and how effective are they with regard to personal injury claims?
I suffered a fall and injury while at the store. Is there anything I should do with regard to a personal injury suit to protect myself?
Does a claim for a defective product fall under the personal injury law?
What is defamation and does this type of action fall under personal injury law?
How do I find a good personal injury lawyer?
What To Do First When Personal Injury Occurs
Personal Injury Consultation
Personal injury litigation tips for you.
Tips on Personal Injury Law
When in a car accident, ask to see documentation from parties involved.
Personal Injuries Lawsuits
Injury Lawyers
Accident Lawyers and Accident Lawsuits
What Damages Constitute Future Personal Injury Claims
Personal Injury Claims on Behalf of a Deceased Person
Personal Injury at Work
Lawyer and client cooperation in personal injury lawsuits
Preventing personal injury at work; who's responsible?
Why a Lawsuit Settlement is Good
When an accident occurs with a significant amount of damage, call the police and ask for assistance.
If you think you might have a personal injury case, consult with a lawyer.
Real Estate Law
Cover all your contract's bases when selling your home.
Pay attention to how long it takes your landlord to refund your security deposit.
Read your homeowners policy closely
What qualifies as real estate?
Are there risks with owning real estate?
What are some tax-related advantages of owning real estate?
When do I need a real estate attorney
Can I protect my estate by signing a real estate power of attorney?
Where can I turn for legal information
Consider consulting a lawyer when purchasing a new home.
Wills, Trust, & Estates
Have a will written.
Write your will while you are still healthy and in good shape.
When writing your will keep taxation in mind.
Legal Newsletter Archive
What is defamation and does this type of action fall under personal injury law?
Are there risks with owning real estate?
When do I need a real estate attorney
What types of things could be included in a complaint, if filed, for attorney malpractice?
Bankruptcy and Tax Elimination
What areas does family law encompass?
Are there forms to be filled out when applying for child custody?
Is there some type of national organization of attorneys that handle employment law?
How can I easily find an attorney to help me?
What are some ways to come to the United States under immigration law?
How do I find a reputable medical malpractice attorney?
What is negligence and how is that determined?
How do I find a good personal injury lawyer?
How does my name get listed in a lawyer directory?
Where can I find a legal directory to guide me to an attorney specializing in a particular area?
Can I protect my estate by signing a real estate power of attorney?
How is a determination made for someone that may qualify for free legal services?
Can I sue for attorney malpractice if my case doesn't turn out like I wanted?
I want to start a small business; what is contained in “business law?
What is breach of contract and how do I know if this has occurred?
Business Bankruptcy Options
What is child custody and what are my rights as a parent?
What are the steps taken under criminal law?
Is there more than one type of divorce?
Can't my wife and I just use a divorce kit to file with the court?
How do I find a good family law attorney?
What is a governmental grant agency and how can I use its services?
What is immigration law?
I am not familiar with immigration laws. How can I become a United States citizen?
What does employment law say about “at will” employment versus “for cause” employment?
What is the definition of sexual harassment and how do employment laws affect that type of behavior?
Are medical malpractice claims limited only to physicians?
What are my rights with regard to personal injury law?
Is there any risk involved in purchasing a legal service plan, such as a prepaid legal advice?
Where can I turn for legal information
What qualifies as real estate?
What are some tax-related advantages of owning real estate?
When adopting internationally, definitely hire a lawyer.
When using a surrogate mother, consult with a lawyer.
There is a lottery for illegal immigrants trying to gain United States Citizenship.
Consider consulting a lawyer when purchasing a new home.
Read your homeowners policy closely
Use bankruptcy as a last resort.
When adopting, think about hiring a lawyer.
When in a car accident, ask to see documentation from parties involved.
Cover all your contract's bases when selling your home.
What constitutes attorney malpractice?
Should I trust an attorney who claims to have attorney malpractice insurance?
Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney
To File or Not to File: that is the question
You can't file for bankruptcy as often as you might think.
Options for Personal Bankruptcy
Does business law provide for any licensure or permits that I will need?
It seems that everyone is opting to work from home. Can I operate a small business from home?
Will hiring a business litigation attorney guarantee that my business is set up properly?
Can an extramarital affair have an impact on custody?
Do grandparents have rights concerning child custody?
If my ex-spouse is not paying child support, do I have to allow visitation?
What factors are considered when determining child custody?
What is the difference between the parent who wins custody and the non-custodial parent?
Be careful what you keep in your car.
How do I know when I might need a criminal defense attorney?
Can the police come into my house by knocking down my door to enter my residence?
Is being tried in a state court different from being under federal criminal law?
How real is the law portrayed on television shows?
What does criminal law encompass?
What is the difference between a civil offense and a criminal act?
Do all divorces filed automatically become public record?
How do I find a good, reputable divorce lawyer?
I was just served divorce papers by my husband, what should I do now?
What does employment law cover?
Does international custody fall under family law?
How can I find a lawyer by name?
At what point should I contact a US government agency about receiving my full benefits as a veteran?
Is there a government agency that oversees education issues with regard to local schools?
What federal government agency dictates enforcement of laws with regard to fair taxation?
What rights do voting citizens have and which government agency regulates voters' rights?
How do immigration laws affect getting a “green card”?
What entity gives immigrants permission to enter the United States under existing immigration law?
What is the Legal Information Institute?
Where can I find court cases and do legal research on my own?
What is the benefit to purchasing prepaid legal services
How do I know medical malpractice has been committed?
How long do I have before I must decide if medical malpractice was committed?
What about all the experimental drugs on the market? If something goes wrong, is that malpractice?
What kind of standard is required with regard to proving a medical malpractice has occurred?
Can I negotiate a personal injury settlement on my own?
Does a claim for a defective product fall under the personal injury law?
How are damages determined in a personal injury action?
What is a waiver of liability and how effective are they with regard to personal injury claims?
What is defamation and does this type of action fall under personal injury law?
Are there risks with owning real estate?
When do I need a real estate attorney
What types of things could be included in a complaint, if filed, for attorney malpractice?
Bankruptcy and Tax Elimination
What areas does family law encompass?
Are there forms to be filled out when applying for child custody?
Is there some type of national organization of attorneys that handle employment law?
How can I easily find an attorney to help me?
What are some ways to come to the United States under immigration law?
How do I find a reputable medical malpractice attorney?
What is negligence and how is that determined?
How do I find a good personal injury lawyer?
How does my name get listed in a lawyer directory?
Can I protect my estate by signing a real estate power of attorney?
How is a determination made for someone that may qualify for free legal services?
Can I sue for attorney malpractice if my case doesn’t turn out like I wanted?
I want to start a small business; what is contained in “business law?
What is breach of contract and how do I know if this has occurred?
Business Bankruptcy Options
What is child custody and what are my rights as a parent?
What are the steps taken under criminal law?
Is there more than one type of divorce?
Can’t my wife and I just use a divorce kit to file with the court?
How do I find a good family law attorney?
What is a governmental grant agency and how can I use its services?
What is immigration law?
I am not familiar with immigration laws. How can I become a United States citizen?
What does employment law say about “at will” employment versus “for cause” employment?
What is the definition of sexual harassment and how do employment laws affect that type of behavior?
Are medical malpractice claims limited only to physicians?
What are my rights with regard to personal injury law?
Is there any risk involved in purchasing a legal service plan, such as a prepaid legal advice?
Where can I turn for legal information
What qualifies as real estate?
What are some tax-related advantages of owning real estate?
Legal Frequently Asked Questions
Do homeowner´s policies cover more than just my home?
Are there other options besides filing for bankruptcy?
How often can I file for bankruptcy?
Do I need an attorney when buying a new home?
Do I need an attorney when buying a new home?
What are some things I should think about when selling my home?
What are some things I should think about when selling my home?
attorney, lawyer, security deposit,
Should I consult with an attorney before I speak to the police?
Can the police search my garbage without my consent?
Is it a good idea to hire an attorney when adopting internationally?
Is it a good idea to hire an attorney when adopting internationally?
What rights does a surrogate mother have?
What should I know about a prenuptial agreement?
When should I have a will written?
When should I have a will written?
What are some things I should keep in mind when having my will written
Can anyone become a United States citizen?
Can anyone become a United States citizen?
What are some things I should think about when traveling overseas?
What are some things I should think about when traveling overseas?
I have a H-1B visa, can I become a permanent U.S. citizen?
Should I hire a lawyer when seeking United States citizenship?
Should I hire a lawyer when seeking United States citizenship?
What should I do if I´m involved in a car accident?
What should I do if I´m involved in a car accident?
Do I request police involvement when I´m in a car accident?
Do I request police involvement when I´m in a car accident?
In a personal injury case can I sue at any time?
In a personal injury case can I sue at any time?
What should I do if I´m injured on the job?
What should I do if I´m injured on the job?
When should I use bankruptcy as an option?
What does my homeowner´s policy cover?
What does my homeowner´s policy cover?
Are there other options besides filing for bankruptcy
Should I consult with a lawyer when adopting
Should I have a will written?
What are my rights with regard to personal injury law?
What is negligence and how is that determined?
How are damages determined in a personal injury action?
Can I negotiate a personal injury settlement on my own?
What is a waiver of liability and how effective are they with regard to personal injury claims?
I suffered a fall and injury while at the store. Is there anything I should do with regard to a personal injury suit to protect myself?
Does a claim for a defective product fall under the personal injury law?
What is defamation and does this type of action fall under personal injury law?
How do I find a good personal injury lawyer?
How do I know medical malpractice has been committed?
How long do I have before I must decide if medical malpractice was committed?
What kind of standard is required with regard to proving a medical malpractice has occurred?
Are medical malpractice claims limited only to physicians?
What about all the experimental drugs on the market? If something goes wrong, is that malpractice?
If I’m asked to sign a consent form before I go into surgery, am I waiving any rights to file a medical malpractice suit if something should go wrong?
How do I find a reputable medical malpractice attorney?
What constitutes attorney malpractice?
Can I sue for attorney malpractice if my case doesn’t turn out like I wanted?
Should I trust an attorney who claims to have attorney malpractice insurance?
What types of things could be included in a complaint, if filed, for attorney malpractice?
What areas does family law encompass?
My fiancé and I are planning to get married. What are the real legal obligations a marriage encompasses according to family law?
Does international custody fall under family law?
How do I find a good family law attorney?
Is there more than one type of divorce?
My spouse and I are unable to get along any further and the stress has become unbearable. What are some grounds that I could file for divorce?
My husband’s attorney is proposing that his retirement plan be divided other than straight down the middle. Why do some retirements have to be divide
I was just served divorce papers by my husband, what should I do now?
Can’t my wife and I just use a divorce kit to file with the court?
Do all divorces filed automatically become public record?
How do I find a good, reputable divorce lawyer?
What is child custody and what are my rights as a parent?
What is the difference between the parent who wins custody and the non-custodial parent?
What factors are considered when determining child custody?
Can an extramarital affair have an impact on custody?
Are there forms to be filled out when applying for child custody?
I am the non-custodial parent, child custody having been granted to my ex-spouse during the divorce. How can I go about changing that arrangement so
Do grandparents have rights concerning child custody?
If my ex-spouse is not paying child support, do I have to allow visitation?
What does criminal law encompass?
What is the difference between a civil offense and a criminal act?
Are there ever circumstances that the police can search my vehicle or me without a warrant under existing criminal law?
Can the police come into my house by knocking down my door to enter my residence?
How do I know when I might need a criminal defense attorney?
How real is the law portrayed on television shows?
Is being tried in a state court different from being under federal criminal law?
What are the steps taken under criminal law?
I want to start a small business; what is contained in “business law?
Does business law provide for any licensure or permits that I will need?
Will hiring a business litigation attorney guarantee that my business is set up properly?
What is breach of contract and how do I know if this has occurred?
It seems that everyone is opting to work from home. Can I operate a small business from home?
How do you know when to consider filing bankruptcy?
Do I need to hire an attorney to file bankruptcy?
Can I file corporate bankruptcy to eliminate taxes?
What options exist for corporate bankruptcy?
Who can file Chapter 7 Personal Bankruptcy?
What is immigration law?
What entity gives immigrants permission to enter the United States under existing immigration law?
What are some ways to come to the United States under immigration law?
What do immigration laws say about bringing my family or relatives to the United States on a permanent basis?
I am not familiar with immigration laws. How can I become a United States citizen?
How do immigration laws affect getting a “green card”?
What does employment law cover?
What does employment law say about “at will” employment versus “for cause” employment?
What is the definition of sexual harassment and how do employment laws affect that type of behavior?
Under employment law, what is the statute of limitations for filing a charge of discrimination in the workplace?
I want to make a career in law enforcement. Are there special law enforcement employment laws that cover police officers?
Is there some type of national organization of attorneys that handle employment law?
What qualifies as real estate?
Are there risks with owning real estate?
What are some tax-related advantages of owning real estate?
When do I need a real estate attorney
Can I protect my estate by signing a real estate power of attorney?
Where can I turn for legal information
What is the Legal Information Institute?
It seems like there are a lot of sources for law information on the Internet. How do I know which one to trust?
Where can I find court cases and do legal research on my own?
How can I easily find an attorney to help me?
How would I go about finding a lawyer in my local area that handles a certain type of case, such as someone to help manage my aging parent’s affairs?
How can I find a lawyer by name?
Where can I find a legal directory to guide me to an attorney specializing in a particular area?
I need to find an attorney that can help with international law. Is there a law firm directory that I can access to help me?
How does my name get listed in a lawyer directory?
I see so many lawyers listed in the phone book and on various websites. How do I know if I’m choosing the right lawyer from these legal directories?
What rights do voting citizens have and which government agency regulates voters’ rights?
What federal government agency dictates enforcement of laws with regard to fair taxation?
Is there a government agency that oversees education issues with regard to local schools?
At what point should I contact a US government agency about receiving my full benefits as a veteran?
If I am denied social security benefits, is there a listing of federal agencies that I can access for help?
What is a governmental grant agency and how can I use its services?
My daughter, a junior, has an interest in attending law school. What kind of timetable should she follow?
I would like to go to a top law school. What are the most important things I should consider during my academic career?
In selecting prelaw classes, what factors should I take into consideration when choosing a major in order to attend one of the top 10 law schools?
How can I find out whether the law school I’m considering is among the top 100 law schools in the country?
I’m not sure I can afford an attorney to represent my interests. Is there somewhere to turn for affordable legal services?
What is the benefit to purchasing prepaid legal services
Is there any risk involved in purchasing a legal service plan, such as a prepaid legal advice?
How is a determination made for someone that may qualify for free legal services?
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